Prepare for your Session.
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is a safe, noninvasive, and painless procedure. The most common side effect is a slight pressure sensation in the ears during the compression and decompression phases, similar to what you experience during an airplane's takeoff and landing. This feeling typically subsides or disappears once the chamber reaches the optimal pressure.
Before beginning your hyperbaric oxygen therapy session, there are a few simple but important preparations. We’ve outlined them below for your convenience. Read on to learn more.
Food and Drink
Consume a light, nutritious meal 1-2 hours before your HBOT session. Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and carbonated drinks to ensure the best results.
No Smoking
For optimal results, avoid tobacco products and smoking during your treatment period. Smoking can counteract the benefits of HBOT by restricting oxygen flow to your tissues. Ideally, refrain from smoking altogether, but at the very least, do not smoke for two hours before and after your session.
Wear comfortable clothing made of 100% cotton to your treatment. If needed, we provide cotton garments and shoe covers to ensure your comfort and safety.
Items to NOT APPLY or bring with you
Please do not bring or put on synthetic clothing, ointments, body care products, perfumes, colognes. FEE will be applied in case smell remains post session.
Be aware that HBOT can alter the effects of some medications. Your primary doctor may need to adjust your prescriptions. Inform our hyperbaric technician about all prescription and over-the-counter medications you are taking. If you need to take medication during treatment, let us know so you can take them as required.
Ear Pressure
As mentioned, ear pressure can occur. For the best experience, prepare your ears before treatment. Clean them thoroughly to remove excess wax. If you have any ear-related issues, such as infections, water in your ears, or recent ear surgery, discuss these with your primary doctor and inform our team.
Typical Sessions will be conducted as such
Approximately 10 minutes pressurization. During this phase, the technician will talk you through how to mitigate uncomfortable sensations in the ears.
Main Part. Lasts 60-90 minutes, depending on the assigned protocol that’s based on your needs.
Approximately 10 minutes depressurization. The end.